The Pas Tri-Community Foundation

Invest In Today To Strengthen Tomorrow

Join our mission to invest in The Pas, Opaskwayak Cree Nation, and the Rural Municipality of Kelsey through meaningful community partnerships.


The Pas Tri-Community  Foundation is  a member of The Winnipeg Foundation, a public charitable organization, built through generous gifts of all sizes that are pooled and permanently invested.

The Foundation invests the contributions it receives in a perpetual endowment fund and uses the income earned to make grants to a wide range of charitable groups – grants that benefit our local communities in Northern Manitoba.

Anyone can become involved in helping to build the assets of the Foundation – individuals, families, corporations and groups. Your gift to the Foundation will benefit the community now and into the future. Learn more about the other types of funds available here. Any undesignated funds will go to the Tri-Community Unrestricted Fund.

Mission Statement:

Serving the communities of The Pas, Opaskwayak Cree Nation and the Rural Municipality of Kelsey by maintaining and administering a permanent endowment fund, aimed at strengthening and improving the quality of life, today and into the future.

Meet Your Board Members & Staff:

Jill Wilkinson profile image

Jill Wilkinson


Kent Whaley profile image

Kent Whaley

Vice President

Rob Penner profile image

Rob Penner


Don Dunnigan profile image

Don Dunnigan


Barb Bragg profile image

Barb Bragg

Grant Director

Maureen Brown profile image

Maureen Brown


Davide Novo profile image

Davide Novo


Jim Berscheid profile image

Jim Berscheid


Louise Contois profile image

Louise Contois


Profile image for Brenda Dawyduk - Director

Brenda Dawyduk


Volunteers Needed!

We are actively seeking vibrant, involved, and enthusiastic community members to become part of our Board.

We encourage candidates with a range of personal backgrounds, grassroots involvement, accounting and financial expertise, legal knowledge, and individuals with leadership experience in our tri-communities to apply.

Download your volunteer application below.

Contact Us
NEW Phone: 204-623-0788


The Pas Tri-Community Foundation annually awards a portion of its fund’s earnings in the form of grants to not-for-profit organizations and groups within the geographical areas of The Pas, Opaskwayak Cree Nation (OCN) and within the Rural Municipality (RM) of Kelsey.

Grant applications, downloadable from this site, can be submitted to from January 1 to mid-February, 2025. Submissions to this year’s granting cycle will be closed at 12 midnight on February 15. All applications will be assessed by a Granting Sub-Committee of the Board which will make final decisions by April 30, 2025.

Please note that this year, funding will be limited to a maximum of $1500.00 per project. Projects must benefit the people of The Pas, OCN, or RM of Kelsey and must align with the mission of the foundation and meet the verified needs of the community. Successful applicants will be announced in the spring of each year.


Grants are now available to any not-for-profit group or organization that seeks grant funding to further the purpose of The Pas Tri-Community Foundation. This means that you are not required to have, or affiliate with an organization that has a charitable number.

We continue to welcome applications from organizations with charitable numbers, or groups who wish to affiliate with a charitable organization.

We hope that this change reduces any barriers to your application and that together we can continue to improve the quality of life for residents of The Pas, Opaskwayak Cree Nation and the RM of Kelsey.

If you have any questions please contact us at the Foundation and we will assist you through the process. Please call or text 204-680-6003 for assistance.

Standard grant conditions require you to:

  • Comply with all applicable laws
  • Complete the project and spend the funds granted by The Pas Tri-Community Foundation (TPTCF) within 18 months of written notice of approval.
  • Seek TPTCF approval prior to making changes to the main activities or expenses outlined in the grant application.
  • Return any unspent grant funds upon completion of the project or on notice from TPTCF to return any unspent funds.
  • Respond to requests for information about the project or grant and submit a completed Report Back Form and supporting documents and photos on completion of the funded project or activity.
  • Acknowledge TPTCF’s support in all promotional material associated with the funded project or activity. This includes the use of the Foundation’s logo as well as text acknowledgement.

Applications will be assessed based on adherence to the above conditions and will demonstrate meaningful projects in the areas of arts, culture, education, environment, health, heritage, recreation or sports, for children, youth or families.

Donate by Mail

Box 3773, The Pas, Manitoba R9A 1S4

Through The Winnipeg Foundation.

Please use memo line for receipt information.

donor recognition

The Pas Tri-Community Foundation acknowledges all gifts, large and small. The names of those who contribute to the Endowment Fund will be recorded in our permanent records.

As well, those names will be publicized in the newspaper in the year they are received.

The names of donors who have helped build the Endowment Fund will be listed in the Annual Reports of the Foundation.

Some people may wish to donate anonymously. We will respect their requests.

Those donors who have made contributions to create a Named Fund will be acknowledged individually in the year the contribution is received and the contribution will be acknowledged in the Annual Reports if the Foundation every year in perpetuity. In situations where additional funds are contributed to an existing fund, the additional funding and the new total will be noted in the various publications. Because the Foundation does provide for numerous ways for contributions to be made, we are open to considering various alternatives for recognition, which may be of interest to the donor.

If the donor agrees, contributions to the Endowment Fund may be publicized from time to time in the local media. This publicity is beneficial to the Foundation.

As a non-political, non-government organization, the Foundation is the only funding agency that addresses all areas of the charitable sector. The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors, who serve without remuneration and who are dedicated to the preservation and quality of life in The Pas, OCN the Rural Municipality of Kelsey. It’s focus is the creation and management of permanent endowment funds, and it allows donors the opportunity of sharing in the decision of how their gifts are to be used.

The Foundation serves donors with varied interests at various levels of charitable giving. It acts as a link between those donors and the charitable agencies that can most effectively and efficiently carry out the objectives and desire they have for their funds. The Foundation offers maximum flexibility in terms of assets that can be used to create a fund, options for the use of donors’ gifts, and benefits to donors. These benefits include involvement in the granting process and a lasting legacy in their name.

NEW Number!

ampersand icon denoting email address
mailing address icon

Box 3773, The Pas, MB R9A 1S4

Get In Touch With Us

The Pas Tri-Community Foundation acknowledges, respects and has the honour of working on lands in Treaty 5 Territory, a treaty that was first negotiated and entered into in 1875.